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Hello world. I've come to read your quarantine!

In gay culture, “reading” is the act of pointing out a flaw in someone else (usually publicly and in front of them) and exaggerating it. I am Diego, I am a proud gay activist and, after almost 60 days of quarantine, to quote the famous Detox (not the diet but the drag queen) “I’ve HAD it, officially!” Please, do not get me wrong. It is not that I am against all the effort the countries and their governments are doing to stop this pandemic. Neither that I am not willing to follow the necessary measures to prevent infection or trying to be in my home most of the time (though for my mental health I have been going for a run alone every other day). It is the fact that the media and the people only seem to care about how many new cases are we having every day, how many have died, and what TikTok are we sharing today to laugh away the lockdown. We are turning frivolous counting people as numbers, simple IDs that are losing a battle against an invisible enemy (though not invinci...
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El nuevo “ZOOM sociabilis”

"Home Sweet Home…Office"                                                                             Anónimo Cuando comenzó mi transición entre las sucursales de Panamá y Miami, hace poco más de un año ya, me tuve que hacer amigo del teletrabajo o home office . Me acuerdo de los primeros días que estaba alquilando una casa en South Beach que le dije a mi esposo… claramente necesitamos una casa alejada de la playa y la fiesta, porque sino va a ser imposible concentrarme. De ahí nos mudamos a un barrio más empresarial, donde hay más oficinas, más bares, más necesidad de traje y corbata, y un poco menos de fiesta. Al menos mi casa/oficina estaba en un barrio que palpitaba formalidad. Antes de mudarme, para mi ir todos los días a la oficina era un plus. No por la capacidad de concentra...

What I´ve learnt at the Year-End Corporate Party

"There is nothing more imminent than the impossible:  what we must always prevent is the unforeseen." Victor Hugo The end of the year arrives and most companies seek to return in some ways the effort that each and one of their collaborators have made during the last 12 months. This year was particularly special for our company given that had great changes happening and we learned to work remotely, adapted new leadership styles and we began to seriously follow-up on our professional and personal goals. Even some people took the chance to leave their desks and starting searching for new clients, and we had several new people entered our team. There are many moments to celebrate, and to make this year-end party is to put a flourish and gather the energies we need to prepare for the new fiscal year. It is already a tradition for our party to be held at a beach hotel, overnight. And I am a person who loves to have traditions (it will be perhaps because of my...

Lo que aprendí en la fiesta de fin de año

“No hay nada más inminente que lo imposible: lo que hemos de prevenir siempre es lo imprevisto.” Victor Hugo Llega fin de año y la mayoría de la empresas busca devolver de alguna forma el esfuerzo que cada uno y una de sus colaboradores hicieron durante los últimos 12 meses. Este año particularmente fue especial para la nuestra porque pasaron grandes cambios y nos pusimos metas agresivas pero alcanzables. ¡¡Y las logramos!! Fue un año que aprendimos a trabajar a distancia, nos adaptamos a nuevos estilos de liderazgo, comenzamos a dar seguimiento serio a nuestros objetivos tanto profesionales como personales, muchos comenzaron a animarse a vender, y entraron varias personas nuevas. Hay muchos momentos para celebrar, y hacer esta reunión es poner broche de oro y juntar las energías para prepararse para el nuevo ciclo fiscal. Ya es costumbre que nuestra fiesta se haga en un hotel de playa, de un día para el otro. Y soy una persona que ama tener tradiciones (será tal vez...

Why efforts to promote LGQBT inclusivity matter

"A bold attempt, is half success" -Danish Proverb If we take five minutes to look back in history, just 10 years ago, it was illegal to be gay in Panama. Only in 2008, while other countries started to approve LGBTQ unions or marriages, a presidential decree decriminalized homosexual relationships. In 2019, even though there are no laws against that directly discriminate the LGBTQ community, they still find most of their rights diminished compared to other citizens. Beyond not being able to get married or adopt children, LGBTQ couples cannot ask for a sharedbank loan to buy a house, deduct their spouse in the Income Tax,or  accompany his/her partner into a public hospital if an accident occurs. Even small details are denied, such as having to fill two different customs paperwork when they enter the country, as they are not considered a “family group”.  Those are only a few examples on why LGBTQI inclusivity is one of our priorities in the GS Panama Hub. We aim to co...

¿Por qué los esfuerzos para promover la inclusión de LGBTQ son importantes?

"A bold attempt is half success" - Danish Proverb Si nos tomamos cinco minutos para mirar en perspectiva, hace solo 10 años era ilegal ser gay en Panamá. Recién en 2008, mientras que otros países comenzaban a aprobar las uniones civiles o matrimonios igualitarios, un decreto presidencial despenalizó las relaciones homosexuales. En 2019, a pesar de que no haya leyes en contra de que discriminen directamente a la comunidad LGBTQ, aún encuentran la mayoría de sus derechos disminuidos en comparación con otros ciudadanos. Más allá de no poder casarse o adoptar, las parejas LGBTQ se encuentran imposibilitadas de realizar algunas actividades típicas para una pareja heterosexual: no pueden pedir un préstamo bancario en conjunto para comprar una casa, deducir a su cónyuge en el Impuesto sobre la Renta, ingresar con su pareja en un hospital público si ocurre un accidente, o incluso un detalle tan pequeño como tener que llenar dos declaraciones de aduana diferentes cuando ingre...

10 Sales Tips for Accounting Firms

"It is much more profitable and effective to maintain a client, and increase your business within our company, than to acquire a new client." Harry Beckwith O k Harry, but, how do we do it? In my last trainings focused on the topic of "Relationship Accounting", I´ve aimed to create reflection spaces on how to keep customers happy, and develop factors that help strengthen the relationship and improve every “touch point” with them. But earlier this year, during the first annual meeting with my team, someone raised the question of how we could transform that relationship into greater sales and better profitability for the business. Luckily by chance,(or simply confirming that cell phones listen to us 24/7), a few days later I got an email whose subject was "10 tips to improve the sales strategy". I had that mail open a few days, until my laptop decided to updat unexpectedly and the email disappeared back into the matrix. I never found it ...