In gay culture, “reading” is the act of pointing out a flaw in someone else (usually publicly and in front of them) and exaggerating it. I am Diego, I am a proud gay activist and, after almost 60 days of quarantine, to quote the famous Detox (not the diet but the drag queen) “I’ve HAD it, officially!” Please, do not get me wrong. It is not that I am against all the effort the countries and their governments are doing to stop this pandemic. Neither that I am not willing to follow the necessary measures to prevent infection or trying to be in my home most of the time (though for my mental health I have been going for a run alone every other day). It is the fact that the media and the people only seem to care about how many new cases are we having every day, how many have died, and what TikTok are we sharing today to laugh away the lockdown. We are turning frivolous counting people as numbers, simple IDs that are losing a battle against an invisible enemy (though not invinci...
"Home Sweet Home…Office" Anónimo Cuando comenzó mi transición entre las sucursales de Panamá y Miami, hace poco más de un año ya, me tuve que hacer amigo del teletrabajo o home office . Me acuerdo de los primeros días que estaba alquilando una casa en South Beach que le dije a mi esposo… claramente necesitamos una casa alejada de la playa y la fiesta, porque sino va a ser imposible concentrarme. De ahí nos mudamos a un barrio más empresarial, donde hay más oficinas, más bares, más necesidad de traje y corbata, y un poco menos de fiesta. Al menos mi casa/oficina estaba en un barrio que palpitaba formalidad. Antes de mudarme, para mi ir todos los días a la oficina era un plus. No por la capacidad de concentra...