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Monroe, a fable on business diversity

“Let no one cage who you were born to be”
-      Anonymous 

Once upon a time there was a rainbow zebra, yes you read well, rainbow! His name was Monroe and instead of being black and white as everyone in its herd, he was multi-color.

When he was young, Monroe used to live happily with his siblings and friends. He did not care much about being different. In fact, everyone wanted to choose him for their teams because he gave an air of freshness wherever he went. He had an amazing sense of humor, which he expressed by even making fun of himself.

Monroe loved to travel. It was his only hobby and passion. Whenever he had the chance, he called some of his friends and started galloping to the horizon. Sometimes they left for one day or two, but there was that time when they travel for almost three weeks. When they came back and saw the map, they realized that they had been through almost 3 countries!!

When he came of age, his father told him that he needed to find himself an occupation if he wanted to have some money to keep traveling around the world and to reach places beyond the horizon. Instead of being sad for that, Monroe was thrilled! He loved the idea to leave the heard for some time, and explore the great village. Many stories about the village had come to Monroe’s ears: how animals there work together in the fields producing food and energy that was later sold to the humans. Amazing creatures’ humans! Sometimes they were so lazy that animals can sell them almost everything, even entertainment and transportation by carrying them in their back for some nickels.

And so one day, Monroe arrived to the village, and he found a great contract in one of the “top four” farms of the village. The farm produced almost everything: wheat, corn, and cereal, even fruits and vegetables. The only problem was that all of the animals there were either grey horses or black mules, all conducted by a grand black stallion called Stuart.

Even though he worked very hard, and sometimes he had to do extra hours to finish some extremely-important-delivery-that-was-announced-at-4pm-and-needed-to-be-done-before-yesterday Monroe felt very lucky. He did not take long to make good acquaintances in the workplace, but sometimes he sensed that everyone was judging him for having somany colored stripes. That was the main reason he was quite shy and mainly focused in his job.

One day, Monroe received an anonymous letter that said: “You are too colorful for this place, and we don´t like that. You`d better tone it down or you will find yourself in great troubles.”

Monroe was more sad than frightened, but he couldn’t speak with no one about that. He knew he was different, but it was the first time that being different became an issue. So, in order to avoid conflict, he decided to follow instructions and bought one grey flannel coat.

Now that he looked like the others, everyone seemed less disturbed about him. They even invited him to lunch and to boring gatherings, where the horses only spoke ill things about others. Monroe tried to keep track with his tasks, but he felt unhappy. It was very stressful to hide his true colors, and the fact of hiding his personality had started to take its toll on him.

His lack of motivation didn’t go unnoticed to his leader, Stuart. One day he approached Monroe`s corner and asked him what was going on. He was worried because his performance has fallen, and he didn’t hear new things from him.

Monroe was very surprised (and a bit flattered) that Stuart has taken time to talk to him, but he was not sure what to respond.

After mumbling for a minute, Monroe decided that the best way was to tell the truth, although it may have consequences: “Sorry chief, the fact is that I am not comfortable on wearing these grey suits. I was born a rainbow zebra and I am very proud of that. When I lived with other zebras I was comfortable that at least we share the stripes…but here, everyone looked at me with a wicked eye. I love my work, and I enjoy doing what I do, but I cannot do that if I am trapped in something that I am not. I hope you understand”

Stuart looked at him, first with concern, and then with sympathy: “Look Monroe, most of the time people are afraid of the unknown. They have concerns about doing things differently, or accepting someone that is not like them. You have to understand that they also have to go through a process of changing their mental maps, and letting new structures fit in their minds. It is not easy, but it is possible. Let me help you. You are one great worker, and I have no doubt that you are a wonderful zebra. Don´t let the opinion of others mar your enthusiasm, and don´t change your ways to please others. Remember that if you don´t have respect for yourself, you will never have the respect of others”

Monroe couldn’t find the word to thank his boss. He took his grey coat off, and showed his rainbow stripes with pride. He felt happy again.

After a quick meeting with his colleagues, in which Stuart spoke about the importance of diversity and to learn to walk in someone else`s hoofs, everyone apologized to Monroe.

After that day, thing changed in the farm and Monroe became one of the most beloved workers in the village. Now he was sure, that it doesn't matter how difficult it may be to come out, because in the end, everything does gets better indeed.


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