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Diversity is the answer

"What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains."

-Tennessee Williams. Streetcar Named Desire

Shame on me! It`s been like forever since my last post…one post about how we must learn to manage time, and here I am being absorbed by the daily obligations.

Of course the first months of the year are the most hectic for almost every accountant in this part of the world, but that´s no excuse to forget to improve other areas of our life, such as entertainment, sports, reading, learning, traveling and so on.

Last week, the one that will remain in history as “the-week-everybody-went-crazy-with-Pokemon”, something unusual happened at the office. One of the guys, just activated an “incense” in the application and shouted “hey guys, get your phones ready, Pokémons are coming”. And during half an hour more than 20 different creatures (mostly repeated) started popping up (virtually) in every corner of the office. Besides taking advantage of those precious 30 minutes, that also got me thinking…

How do we handle the diversity of people in our office? I wish it would be that simple. People just coming with their different backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations, colors…. everybody working together without any prejudice.

Of course the multinational companies proudly state that “diversity” is not an issue. They have come a long way creating “Diversity Managers”, “Employee Resources Groups” (ERGs) and painting in every wall their “Equal Employment Opportunity” (EEO) policies. Even we can check the “Top 50 Companies for Diversity” at DiversityInc (

However, for other small and medium companies is more complicated to be open to diversity, especially when it comes to LGBTI groups. This is the new challenge, as in former years were other minorities (and in some places still are, unfortunately).

So here are some steps that may help you as a manager to create a more including workplace:

1.  Identify organizational issues that affect LGBT employees
 -Are you married?”
-Yes, happily married
-How is your wife?`s husband…
-Oh! it`s quite rainy today, ain´t it?

Sometimes we forget that a simple question as that may generate an awkward moment. It is important for organizations to stay aware of the issues that may need some variance when it comes to LGTI collaborators:

      2. Review and update company policies
Are our mangers, our HR department and our employees fully aware of the company policies? Are they well communicated? Do we have a “look-and-feel” approach?

It is important that the following policies are well shown all along the company:
  •    Code of Conduct
  •    EEO Statement (Equal Employment Opportunity)
  •    Anti-harassment policy
  •    Dress and Grooming policies
  •    Other HR policies and procedures

      3. Review company’s training and make sure LGBT issues are covered
Once we define the current issues regarding diversity, how do we tackle them?

Companies may offer training on how to deal with harassment and discrimination, hire a “Diversity Manager”, establish a “hot line” to report cases anonymously, and set Employee Resources Groups (ERGs).

The latter are groups of employees who join together in their workplace based on shared characteristics or life experiences, and are generally based on providing support, enhancing career development, and contributing to personal development in the work environment

      4. Respect and ensure employee privacy
    If we want this to work, companies must make it work! CEOs and top level managers need to embrace the policies and look after their fulfilment.

     Besides, all this LGBTI issues must be treated issues as confidential. If the company needs to disclose any of the information should be on need-to-know basis and with total knowledge of the employee.

    5. Evaluate benefits offered to employees and make sure to include LGBT employees
     Finally, and kind of related to point one, companies need to review if all employees are treated equally. Sometime we take for granted some benefits, that may be an issue for LGBTI employees:

It is almost mandatory that the whole process is accompanied by an effective communication. CEOs and managers must play an active role on communicating the new policies and standing for a more inclusive workplace. Regular meetings between HR and directors should take place at least once a month to evaluate this case, or every time one diversity issue arises.

The benefits of a more inclusive workplace are countless, both personal and economical:

Even though in some countries or organizations might be more difficult to establish this kind of policies, the benefits of trying will be more than beneficial. And at the bottom of our hearts and managerial minds, we will know that we are doing our bit towards a more equal society.


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