"A bold attempt, is half success" -Danish Proverb If we take five minutes to look back in history, just 10 years ago, it was illegal to be gay in Panama. Only in 2008, while other countries started to approve LGBTQ unions or marriages, a presidential decree decriminalized homosexual relationships. In 2019, even though there are no laws against that directly discriminate the LGBTQ community, they still find most of their rights diminished compared to other citizens. Beyond not being able to get married or adopt children, LGBTQ couples cannot ask for a sharedbank loan to buy a house, deduct their spouse in the Income Tax,or accompany his/her partner into a public hospital if an accident occurs. Even small details are denied, such as having to fill two different customs paperwork when they enter the country, as they are not considered a “family group”. Those are only a few examples on why LGBTQI inclusivity is one of our priorities in the GS Panama Hub. We aim to co...